Financial Panic, Part 3

February 15, 2021

The world financial system is at risk of a GDC (Global Debt Crisis). Just one spark could bring the whole financial whole world down in flames. What could cause that crash? There are four specific sparks that could trigger this. Any one could be thr trigger, but all four Sparks in the same time frame would result in The Perfect Financial Storm. Monday night's focus will be on Spark 3 - Big Banks, Too Big to Fail. In the quaint old days, your bank was on Main street and you knew the manager greeted you by name. Now big banking is virtually robotic with few personal touches, constant mergers and changing of personnel. Big banking really isn’t even about banking anymore. It is really about gambling on a scale so large that it make Las Vegas casinos look like bingo games. The masses have no idea what is going on.

A day of reckoning is coming. The wise steward should plan well in advance. By the time the masses realize the danger, bank runs will have taken all the money you had on deposit.
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In 1990, with rare coin values in their infancy, Greg Holloway smashed the record books with the first sale in world history of any rare coin to bring over $1 million. Despite the fact that the world was in recession at the time, this transaction proved that rare coins have great appeal beyond economic conditions.

Greg actually began his career in 1970 at the age of 13. Before the end of his teenage years, he was recognized by his peers as a top expert. A virtual fixture at numismatic events, Greg has personally attended 1400 rare coin conventions.

Between 1986 and 1987, Greg was one of the 33 founding dealer members of both PCGS and NGC, the worlds two largest professional coin grading services. He was also one of the six original shareholders and graders of NGC for a brief period of time. In 1987, Greg was also one of the original shareholders of the worlds first real time rare coin trading system.

For over 20 years, Greg has been one of the worlds most prolific and respected instructors in the field of numismatics having given hundreds of webinars and teaching at in person conferences.

Today Greg is still active in all aspects of education of rare coins, having recently written the first ever encyclopedia of large English gold coins. Having been the first person in world history to sell any rare coin for over $1 million, Greg is eminently qualified to search for future $1 million coins that can still be bought for a fraction of this sum.

Watch more of Greg's teachings free at