Relationship MomentumBy Brian Church January 20, 2014 |
Brian is the founder and Chief Executive Officer of the Consulting Firm, Ambassadors International. The company specializes in working with corporations, advisors, entrepreneurs and intellectual property holders to create what Brian calls “Relationship Momentum" ™ . The firm has a client list that ranges from small entrepreneurial organizations to global non profits and Fortune 500 Companies. Brian is a published author and accomplished speaker who is dedicated to training people in the US and abroad in the art and science of creating Relationship Momentum ™ . He has over 15 years of experience on the platform and has had the pleasure of speaking both to small groups and auditoriums of thousands around the world. Brian has mastered the art of Motion, Humor, Power and Presence to become a dynamic yet thought provoking speaker that will leave you wanting more! Visit Brian Church's website at